The default website for electrical engineering news and design tips. I really like the webinars they offer and most of the tech papers I read can be found in their archives.
An Electronics Engineering video blog hosted by professional design engineer Dave Jones. This guy really knows his stuff. I would be shocked if there was a serious electronics hobbyist out there who hasn't seen one of his videos on YouTube.
I am fairly new to this site but it is an attempt to start an online community for electrical engineers. In many ways it is an all-in-one site for anyone hoping to find interesting articles or updates on the latest research. The admins even run a comic strip with engineering jokes.
This is just a personal favorite because of my specialty study of power electronics. To me, some of the most promising and exciting research in power conversion can be found here. Those who are looking for more information can sign up for the magazine.
You can't talk about electrical engineering without mentioning the professional association. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is responsible for several technology standards and holds annual conferences for professional development. Any electrical engineer who is serious about their career should be a member of the IEEE.
This is a great podcast by Chris Gammell of Engineer Blogs and Dave Jones of the EEVblog. They cover all manner of electronics news and examine the state of engineering across the globe. I highly suggest anyone trying to get into hobby electronics listen to this podcast and visit their respective sites.
I have been following this site for a little while now though it is still pretty new. It seems to me to be more of a niche EE website, dedicated to embedded systems and electronic design automation (EDA). I have become fond of the weekly podcast from Amelia Dalton. She often interviews the big wigs of various electronics companies about their new and upcoming technology. Each week she does a "nerdy giveaway" where she offers up a new piece of hardware to the listener who proves most worthy. There are other writers who offer up their opinions on the latest electronics news as well. Check it out.
How could I have forgotten Electronics Design News on this list the first time around? EDN is well respected among industry professionals and serious hobbyists. I have browsed the site routinely for the last 6 months or so. They only publish a few stories a day in their news stream so I have started to use the site more for their links to authors' blogs instead. The blogs are updated nearly every day and are split into different topics within EE (i.e. Analog design, power management, communication systems, etc.). Overall, not a bad resource at all for electronics design news and advice.