I am still experimenting with formats for these monthly news
stories. This time, instead of writing an entry for each story I wrote a brief
summary with some thoughts. My goal is to have people read the stories for
themselves so I don’t think having me basically re-write it is necessary. Assuming
you saw through that thinly veiled excuse, it is indeed an easier way for me to
get material out (aka the lazier way).
In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake and
subsequent tsunami, Japanese officials have accelerated a bill calling for the
introduction of renewable energy sources into the consumer grid. The tsunami
caused massive instability in Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, the
largest provider of nuclear power in the country. The bill was introduced before
the March quake, but the aftermath has pushed the government to find
alternatives to nuclear power. Under the current provisions of the bill, solar
and wind energy would be set at a fixed price that the government can buy from
utilities. They would then turn around and sell that electricity back to
consumers in a way that is profitable for all parties. Japan’s officials
believe that modifying the current energy system will facilitate economic
growth and create more advances like digitizing the electrical grid.
The change Japan is attempting here really cannot be undervalued.
I think it could give the United States a great benchmark for integrating
renewable sources on a mass scale. An undertaking like this will surely bring
out the naysayers – those who claim that solar and wind are unreliable. I am
not going to try and say there is no uncertainty when dealing with renewable
sources. The fact is that the sun is only out half the day at best, and on
cloudy days the energy we can capture is severely limited. Likewise, the wind doesn’t
always blow and blow hard enough to be useful.
Whether you have faith in renewable resources or not, we
will eventually run out of fossil fuels. I have seen projections estimating we
will be able to make them last for another 100 years, accounting for an
increase in demand. I am not advocating a total switch to alternative energy
right now because we just aren’t able to sustain something like that given
today’s technology. However, if we can supplement the grid with renewable
sources I don’t see a downside. Perhaps we can even get 120 years, or 150 years,
or more out of our remaining fossil fuels with the additions. It will be
interesting to see what sort of effect Japan’s plans have on the US, if any.

At this
point you might be thinking, “Why is this in the frivolous category? It sounds
important to me”. Well, it’s not hard to win a contest when you are the only
one who enters. In the last 18 months, since Philips submitted their L Prize
model, not a single other company, startup, or kid with a soldering iron have attempted
to compete. I am not saying this is Philip’s fault, I just want to point out
this is not really such a monumental achievement considering there are other
contests and independent startups out there improving the designs of LED bulbs.
But maybe I am wrong. Maybe the $10 million they got for
winning is really going to push their stocks up after only putting up $36
billion in total revenue last year. Maybe this victory will make them bring the
$10 bulb to market in two years instead of a lofty six. Look, if I am sure of
anything in the electronics industry it is this: LED bulbs absolutely and
totally will replace incandescent lights. Congrats to Philips on winning, but
this is really just a blip on the LED radar.
Are you all sick of hearing about light bulbs yet? Too bad.
Chicago is replacing the sodium-vapor streetlights that were first installed in
the 70’s with more energy efficient metal-halides. The Chicago Department of
Transportation got a $13.8 million grant from the Department of Energy for the
overhaul. In addition, they are replacing 1,000 stoplights with LED versions to
cut down on energy costs. The CDT estimates that with the replacements they
will be able to save $1.8 million dollars and cut down on carbon emissions by
15,000 metric tons per year. The new lamps are also expected to last several
years longer than the existing sodium-vapor models.
is my favorite place to visit in the United States, but at night the orange
glow that envelops the city can be really disorienting (Sodium-vapor lamps give
off a red-orange light, the new metal-halides give off a whitish-blue hue). The
CDT is calling for this infrastructure upgrade for financial reasons, but the
press they get for moving toward a greener technology isn’t exactly a downside.
That being said, I have no problem with them taking that road because the end
result is that they are improving their energy efficiency. My only world of
caution would be to make sure the new LED streetlights dissipate the heat from
the LEDs through the chassis. When cities in Minnesota switched to LED lights a
few years back, the lights ran so cool that snow built up on the streetlights and
blocked out the signal. Learn from their mistakes during your green initiative.
A Twenty-one year old was killed on August 16th
when he tried to steal copper wire from a vacant building in Pennsylvania. He
used bolt cutters to slice through the chains on the gate, walked past the “high
voltage” sign, and attempted to cut out the copper wire from the generator. His
female accomplice later told police that as soon as the cutters came in contact
with the generator he began to convulse. She called 911, but by the time police
arrived the man was dead.
Why is
it that all the stories that make this category have to do with electrocuting
people? Meh, I’ll get over it.
I am having a really hard time not speaking ill of the dead
on this one. The sheer level of stupidity involved with trying to steal wire from
a generator is beyond my understanding. Dude…it’s a generator….it GENERATES ELECTRICITY!!
Experienced linemen are killed every year working on power lines and yet this
schmuck wanders in there with a piece of metal and jams it into live wires.
As dumb as his actions were, they were almost
understandable. Copper prices have gone up 500% in the last decade and aren’t slowing
down any time soon. We are starting to tap the world’s reserves to keep up with
the demand for electronics and integrated circuits. People have begun to strip
the wiring out of publicly accessible electrical equipment because of the price
increases. You want to make money during the recession? Follow the Simpsons
motto: “It’s not about how much stock you have, it’s about how much copper wire
you can get out of the building”.
So there you have it, four stories for August. Any thoughts
on the new format? I am also struggling with what to call these monthly segments.
If I go for an acronym I can get something like FINIS or IFINS, but is that
good enough? Leave a comment if you have thoughts.
I like this format. These are posts that are easier to relate to, and having quick blurbs that are to-the-point makes it easier to read. No one wants to actually read much of anything on the web, especially long-winded comments on electronics blogs, and eve more-so not comments which features run-on sentences and self-referential humor. Especially.
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