was the official 1 year anniversary of To
the Rails. I just want to say thanks to all of my regular readers, and I
hope someone out there has taken something away from my ramblings in 2011.
goal is to make this blog far more all-encompassing as I move into 2012. I
think I can provide a new perspective on topics that I once thought had been
done to the death. I read a lot online about areas of electronics that I care
about and I have come to find that many articles lack a big picture focus or
leave out critical details that allow consumers or the lay person to come to
their own understanding. While I hope to never lose the hobby electronics
spirit that created this blog, I do think there is more out there to look at
then servo motors and LEDs (as cool as those things are).
part of my 1 year celebration I want to look back. That is why I have gone back
through all of my old entries to provide you with some stats. Some are based on
Bloggers automated view count tracking system, while others are of my own
creation. This blog was never created to generate large view counts, but I am
impressed with how far it has come in only a year. Thanks again to everyone who
has supported this blog and I look forward to a new year, new topics, and a new
To the Rails
Statistical Breakdown
of times I promised to do a blog explaining something: 15
of times I kept my promise: 5 (suckers)
of times Apple was mentioned with hate: 4
of Simpsons references: 5
Viewed Post: The 7-Segment Display (1,298 views)
Viewed Post: Happy Birthday, Tesla (5 views)
Number of Views in 1 month: 908 (December 2011)
Blogger Stats

I like that last graph especially. I think you need to up the Simpsons references for next year.
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